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About Us

Sturdy Wings began as a discussion between three individuals who observed numerous treatment centers in the region, but inadequate quality housing that could offer the appropriate framework for transitioning into everyday life. After formulating a plan, Sturdy Wings was established in South Florida in 2022. Our objective is to offer top-notch housing while guiding those who strive for a better life towards the appropriate resources, ensuring their success and promoting a happier and healthier lifestyle.

Sunset and Palm Trees

Meet the Team

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Josh Falatovich 

A native of Pittsburgh Pennsylvania, Josh came to Florida in 2016 after graduating with a bachelor’s degree from Seton Hill University. In college, Josh was a four-year starter and two-year captain on the Football team. Josh was raised by his single mother and two of his brothers in Greensburg PA. Josh now resides in Greenacres Florida with his Fiancé and daughter. The sense of “community” and “helping” runs deep in Josh’s veins. Josh gives the assistance of his success to several families and coaches that helped him and his mother during his younger years. “I’m a testament to the quote “it takes a village to raise a child””. Growing up, Josh was the rock that kept his family going when his older brothers battled with substance abuse. For nearly 10 years, Josh had firsthand experience of how the opiate epidemic can affect families.

A Message From Josh

I’ve made it my personal mission to help as many families and individuals as possible who are struggling with substance abuse. We will always provide safe, clean, and transparent living for anyone who truly wants help. In addition, as a team, we will continue to give back to the community by volunteering a minimum of one day a month for community service. We want to provide an environment where no one feels like they are alone or in their recovery journey by themselves. My community back in Greensburg PA gave me so much growing up, and I want to be a positive reflection of them as we spread the message of community through Sturdy Wings Recovery.

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Director Of Operations 

Michael Quesada

Michael is a resilient individual born and raised in New Jersey who embarked on a life-transforming journey to Florida in search of treatment and recovery. Born with an indomitable spirit, he faced the challenges of addiction head-on and emerged victorious, not just in conquering his personal demons but also in building a thriving life dedicated to helping others.

After relocating to Florida for treatment, Michael's unwavering commitment to his own recovery became the cornerstone of his remarkable story. Through sheer determination and a power greater than himself, he overcame the grip of addiction and emerged as an inspiration to those around him. This life-altering experience ignited a passion in Michael for the field of recovery and rehabilitation.
Over the years, Michael has honed his expertise in the recovery field, leveraging his own journey as a source of empathy and insight. He has worked tirelessly to support individuals battling addiction, providing them with the guidance and tools needed to reclaim their lives. Michael's unique ability to connect with others on a deeply personal level has made him an invaluable resource for those navigating the often-challenging path to recovery.

In addition to his professional accomplishments, Michael has built a fulfilling life in the vibrant community of South Florida. He has embraced the state's warm and welcoming atmosphere, fostering connections and friendships that have enriched his life beyond measure. Through his own experiences, he has come to appreciate the importance of community, support, and the power of second chances.
Today, Michael stands as a testament to the remarkable transformations that can occur when one's determination is paired with the right environment and support system. His journey from seeking treatment in Florida to becoming a figure in the recovery field is a testament to his strength, resilience, and unwavering commitment to helping others find their own path to healing and fulfillment.




Nick Aiello

A true local to the area Nick was raised here in South Florida and has seen firsthand the effects of the opioid epidemic. Nick has seen firsthand the effects of Mental health and Substance abuse and because of that has been a advocate for building a better life and dealing with internal issues thoroughly. As someone who employed countless number of people in recovery Nick believes everyone deserves a chance. He has guided many into building a career for themselves and showing them, it is possible to be a success story. Nick continues to help by getting people involved in sports and outdoor activities so people can stay busy and focus on the better things in life.

A Message From Nick
I am honored to welcome you to our community of hope, growth, and transformation. Our mission is rooted in the belief that every individual possesses the strength within to rise above challenges and soar to new heights of recovery.
At Sturdy Wings, we don't just provide housing – we provide a haven of support, understanding, and inspiration. Our vision is to be the guiding light for those navigating the path to sobriety, offering a place where individuals can find their inner resilience and spread their wings toward a brighter future.

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Steven Farnsworth

Steve holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Aviation Technology from Southeastern Oklahoma State University.  He has worked as a Technical Writer, publishing maintenance manuals for the Space Shuttle and the U.S. Air Force B-1 Bomber.  He served the United States Navy as a Naval Aviator.  Leaving active duty after six years, he worked as an Intelligence Analyst for the Naval Reserves, while completing post-graduate work with the Naval War College.


In November 2017, he left his twenty-year tenure working in Quality Control Administration for an aircraft parts manufacturer to accept the position as the Executive Director of the Florida Association of Recovery Residences.  He is committed to helping the community provide a constructive path for the expansion of quality, stable and sustainable housing for the afflicted and the promotion of legitimate recovery residence providers, protecting their interests from the negative effects of unethical providers.


Since January 2023, Steve has worked for the Hanley Foundation providing guidance and scholarships at the appropriate levels of care for the afflicted and their families.

Steve began his personal recovery and has maintained his sobriety since 1989.  His recovery path prioritizes helping others with their recovery.  Steve has a passion for supporting recovery events and promoting hope within the recovery community.  With over three decades of service to the recovery community, Steve is determined to have a voice in the substance-use epidemic.



PROCEDURAL FARR Certified Residences ensure all owners, managers and staff receive an orientation to the FARR’s Code of Ethics and document their agreement to abide by these principles as a condition of employment This orientation includes confirmation that all owners, managers and staff successfully complete FARR Ethics and FARR Standards training annually. Certified Recovery Residences must ensure each newly hired staff member completes these two mandatory trainings within their first ninety (90) days of employment Where applicable, the professional staff at each site shall review all pertinent Codes of Ethics annually, and attest in writing to their willingness to abide by the principles Certified Residences ensure that residents receive an orientation as to their rights and responsibilities upon admission, including their right to receive ethical care. Confirmation of this orientation must be documented in each individual resident’s file Certified Residences ensure all residents are provided information during their orientation regarding the pro- cess and steps residents may take to report any ethical or standards violations. Confirmation of this orienta- tion must be documented in each individual resident’s file The website of all Certified Residences must provide a prominently displayed link to the FARR Code of Ethics and the FARR Grievance Form shall also be posted on the Certified Residences website or clearly linked to same on the FARR website within thirty (30) days of issuance of the Certificate of Compliance FARR Certified Residences should ensure that no retribution, intimidation, or any negative consequences shall occur if a grievance or complaint has been filed CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION While employed at any Certified Recovery Residence and after such employment ends, confidential infor- mation must never be disclosed except with the resident’s written authorization or as allowed under Federal and/or State law. No employee or volunteer of any FARR Certified Residence may use, or permit others to use, confidential information for the purpose of furthering a private interest or as a means of generating profit. The definition of confidential information is any information that has been entrusted and provided to Recovery Residence management assumed and considered private. CODE OF ETHICS PG. 1 of 4 RESPONSIBILITY TO RESIDENTS 1. The primary obligation of Owners, Managers, Staff and Volunteers of Certified Residences is to respect the integrity and promote the welfare of the resident, whether the resident is assisted individually or in a community setting. In a community setting, Owners, Managers, Staff and Volunteers of Certified Residences are also responsible for taking reasonable precautions to protect individuals from physical and/or psychological trauma resulting from interaction within the Community 2. FARR Certified Residences shall ensure that in any community setting, staff, volunteers and visiting sponsors, recovery coaches and/or counselors set a norm of confidentiality regarding all community participants’ disclosures 3. FARR Certified Residences ensure that if a resident is or has been in a therapeutic relationship with professional per- son or entity, staff attempts to make contact with that professional person or entity after obtaining proper releases for the exchange of relevant information from the resident. These contacts or attempts to contact must be docu- mented in the resident record 4. When it has been determined that the Resident’s needs are not being met at the current level of care/support, the Resident will be receive the necessary assistance with residential placement in the appropriate level of care/ support. When it has been determined that the Resident’s needs are not being met at the current level of care/ support, the Resident will be receive the necessary assistance with residential placement in the appropriate level of care/support. 5. Certified Residences should ensure that, if a resident’s condition indicates there is a clear and imminent danger to the resident or others, staff (per Certified Residence policy and procedure) alert first responders to address danger and risk and then apprise Recovery Residence supervisor/manager/administrator; staff should be trained to appreciate any and all imminent harm potential is beyond the scope of the Recovery Residences level of support and must be referred and deferred to professionals 6. Owners, Managers, Staff and Volunteers of Certified Residences refrain from any practice of intimation, bullying or otherwise threatening or discriminatory behavior; relying instead upon the appropriate, consistent and uniform appli- cation of written residence rules and consequences 7. No Owners, Managers, Staff and Volunteers of Certified Residences will solicit or accept any commission, fee, or any- thing of monetary value from residents, other related persons, or referral sources, including, but not limited to, the borrowing of money from a resident under any condition or circumstance (see Ethical Conflicts below) 8. Certified Residences ensure that if a resident’s condition deteriorates, i.e. relapse or psychological deterioration, re- ferral and linkage to appropriate interventions will be made. 9. Certified Residences ensure fair and equitable financial policies and procedures pertaining to scholarships and repay- ment processes, i.e. a. Scholarships: (Partial or Full) Residents are orientated to the type of scholarship and specifically what is and is not included in the scholarship. Orientation is acknowledged by resident signature and documentation is maintained in the resident file. b. Repayment Structure: Certified Residences who structure a payment plan for admission and/or ongoing fees should ensure the payment plan is fair and equitable, and the resident is afforded the financial means to per- sonally care for repayment. c. Fees should be renegotiable if the resident’s financial ability is altered and in no way inhibit the resident from seeking alternative employment which would strengthen their wellbeing. PG. 2 of 4 ETHICAL CONFLICTS Certified Residences and their employees shall excuse themselves from taking an active part in the recovery and/or treatment plans of relatives, close friends, and/or business acquaintances Certified Residences and their employees may participate in political activities on their own time and in accord- ance with their individual desires and preferences, but it must be clear at all times that they are doing so as individuals and not as representatives of FARR or their organization unless specifically agreed to by FARR or their Recovery Residence Administrator Certified Residences and their employees may not offer, pay, solicit, or receive any commission, bonus, rebate, kick-back, or bribe, directly or indirectly, in cash or in-kind, or engage in any split fee arrangement, in any form whatsoever, to induce the referral or in return for the acceptance or acknowledgment of treatment, of patients or patronage to or from a health care provider or health care facility as defined in FS 817.505. licenseable enti- ties must remain compliant with defined by Section 397.321, F.S. and Rule 65D-30, F.A.C. Certified Residences ensure that former clients are not be hired as an employee at any site unless a significant period of time has elapsed. At a minimum, a six (6) month prohibition period should be clearly stated in the Certified Recovery Residences policy and procedures regarding employment of former clients Certified Residences ensure all program associates refrain from engaging in any non-therapeutic dual relation- ships for a minimum of 2 (two) years. If a more restrictive time frame is listed in an employee’s professional ethics code, then that time frame shall apply Certified Residences shall not provide clinical or therapeutic interventions which are licensable under Chapter 65D-30, Florida Administrative Code without a license issued by the Department of Children and Families, Sub- stance Abuse and Mental Health Program Office RESPONSIBILITY TO COLLEAGUES Owners, Managers, Staff and Volunteers of Certified Residences having knowledge of unethical practices on the part of another colleague shall report such practices to the Recovery Residence Administrator and/or, as needed, to the colleague’s professional Ethics Board Owners, Managers, Staff and Volunteers of Certified Residences should not use the workplace for proselytizing religious, political, or economic issues. However, faith-based programs are encouraged to share their personal testimony and experience as a peer with residents who have elected to reside in the faith-based Certified Re- covery Residence MARKETING ETHICS Owners, Managers, Staff and Volunteers of Certified Residences shall not knowingly make marketing claims or create any advertising, or allow for any advertising to be created on their behalf, which contain A. False or misleading statements or exaggerations; B. Testimonials that do not really reflect the real opinion of the involved individual; C. Price claims that are misleading; D. Promotional offers designed to induce enrollment in exchange for free rent, air travel, grocery cards, gym member-ships and/or other such “freebies” E. Therapeutic strategies for which licensure and/or counseling certifications are required but not appli- cable at the Certified Recovery Residence.

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